Monday, August 25, 2014

Make it Monday

I love to craft.

I have a craft supply hoarding problem.

5 Tupperware boxes full of assorted craft supplies in both of the boys rooms closets.  Also, Pinterest is the devil and now aids in my addiction.

The first step is admitting you have a problem, I have no clue what the next step is so I'll just decide to do something with these craft supplies.

Enter,  Make It Monday!

Every Monday, I will make something, even if it's a noodle necklace with yarn!  I can wear it around town and claim that one of the boys made it.  This is the benefit of having kids. 

So today, I am being adventurous.  Setting my expectations high!  (Never a good thing..)  This project will involve tools of the manly sort.  You know like an electric saw, screws, and maybe a hammer.  Is a hammer manly?  If it comes in pink does it qualify as more of a unisex tool?  (my head just directly into the gutter, but I digress)

If you follow me on Pinterest you may have already guessed that my first project is a pallet project.   Nothing too fancy, like an outdoor couch, which might be something I tackle down the road but for now I will stick with a sign or something. 

So now it's time to get off this here blog (I am from the south, your gonna get a lot of that here, you've been warned) and get the boys dressed to find pallets! 

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